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The Coolest app promotion strategy

More than a thousand apps are developed on a daily basis by developers, all with the aim of solving day to day challenges we face in our society. Unfortunately, only 1% of these apps get adopted in the market, and this does not mean that 1% of apps are better than the rest. Actually, the other apps might be better, but the ideal user did not get a chance to use it. Developing an App is one thing, and reaching the right market is the main thing.

thailandonlinecasino.com and social gaming are becoming more popular, and therefore more developers are developing apps that might help in improving online casino gaming. Although gambling is legal in most countries, most people have little or no knowledge of where to get the best experience. Therefore after an app development, you need to have an app promotion strategic plan.

Here are some of the tried and proven promotion plans that have been an effective in-app promotion

Social Media

Almost half of the world’s population is active on social media, so there is no better way of promoting your app than on social media. This can be done by the use of an advert through customer behavior techniques. This is where social media platforms such as Facebook, check your history, and understand what you love. So most of the adverts that will be running on your page will be related to what you like.

Another way is adding social media buttons on your app to ensure your users share the app after using or installing, and this will ensure that your app gets to reach more people

Search Engine Optimization

Google ranking is significant in promoting your app, and everybody is fighting to be on the first page of google. Having SEO optimized app gives you an upper hand over your competition, for example, if someone is looking for online casino games or social gaming. Still, he or she doesn’t have an idea of any app; if searches on google, you will be on top, and this might help him or her use the app.

Use of Demo videos

Nobody wants to download the app just to look and know how it works, so most of the app users are looking for an app that has a short video with details on how the app works and how it intends to solve my problem. The short video can also be used in the promotion of the product on social media.

Request for reviews

You can have a good promotion strategy, but if you have a terrible reviews or no reviews, many people will avoid your app. Therefore it is important to request users to add positive reviews on your app. You should also request them to rate the app.

These are just but a few app promotion strategies that might help ensure that your app is able to get to the right people. So what are you waiting for, start working on your app to create a better user experience?